New Year, New Job

I’m incredibly proud to share that I’ve joined Frank & Eileen as their first Chief Technology Officer. Late last year, one of my dearest friends, founder and CEO Audrey McLoghlin, asked me for help. While I had been supporting Audrey and the company with technology since before she even started the company, this was a full-time, fully-engaged role. It was the perfect mix of challenging, exciting, and autonomous in a field I know almost nothing about – women’s apparel. But Frank & Eileen isn’t just a women’s apparel company. It’s one of the most successful, sustainable, female-owned and led apparel companies in the world, with a vision to change the world by creating more female entrepreneurs.

The company just celebrated its 15th anniversary last year. Having watched Audrey build it over the last decade and a half, without outside investment, into a company with an extraordinarily positive impact on women and the world at large has been nothing short of remarkable. As a B Corp, Frank & Eileen has achieved the second-highest impact score among globally recognized fashion brands in the U.S., second only to Patagonia. The company is the highest-scoring female-owned fashion brand in the U.S. to be granted the certification.

I could not pass up an opportunity to support a friend with such an important mission. The chance to learn from her and the impressive group of people (almost all women) she has assembled felt like something I needed to do. So, I’m doing it!

As for Clarity, I will remain involved as an advisor. The company is more focused than ever with their recent pre-print publication of phase 1 results. And just this week, the team began new clinical work. I look forward to following their exciting progress.

I posted a version of this post on LinkedIn, as one does.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish