A few changes

I’m trying something a little different to see how it goes. After all the hassle of trying to move everything to Wordpress.com vs. my self-hosted thing on Dreamhost, I’m back on Dreamhost. I’ve been on Dreamhost for well over a decade. I was thinking about shutting my Dreamhost account down to save money, hassle and time. One of the things that bugged me about my shared server account was my site would be dreadfully slow sometimes. While annoying, it wasn’t the end of the world and there was a pretty simple way to make it faster - Dreamhost VPS. So now I’m paying a little more money, but my site is faster and there are some other geeky advantages that I won’t go into.

The other thing is that since I started participating in the awesome micro.blog community, it kind of clutters everything up with these microblog posts, some of which are out of context. So I moved all that to a micro.blog hosted microblog, which redirects to micro.whatevernevermind.com. If you’re using an RSS reader, which you should, you can add that to your feed reader as well. It’s much more frequent posts (multiple times/day) with lots of links and stuff. This space will be used for more longer form posts, which I plan to also do more often. Gonna see how this works. I’ll keep comments open for a bit in case anyone has questions or feedback.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish