


Julian Casablancas and Karen O Interview Each Other

O: It’s hard as shit to write lyrics.
 To write good lyrics.
 Yeah, anyone who really gives it a shot.… 
 It’s hard to write good lyrics that are meaningful. It’s hard to not write bad lyrics and fake it and have a meaningless thing that sounds cool. That move you on a deep level and have a deep meaning but just sound good and you can enjoy lightly.
 Lou Reed was really good at that.
 Oh, man. He’s the best. When I was probably 19, he was doing a book signing at Barnes & Noble, and we went. He was walking away; we almost missed it. So I just grabbed one of the books—I didn’t even know if I had the money to pay for it—just to stop him, you know what I mean? And he was totally weird and awesomely insane. 
O: “Sangria in the park,” man. 
Casablancas: He’s the king. 

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Brad Barrish @bradbarrish