It’s not so fun for entrepreneurs. Apps and services like Cluster, Albumatic, Keepsy, Swirl, Flock, Kicksend, Kaptur, and dozens of others are destined for the dustbin of Internet history.
Facebook kills 100 startups with new collaborative photo album feature | VentureBeat (via gregcohn)

Greg - C'mon. Seriously. Stop with the lazy link bait-y reblogs (I removed the link because the article said practically nothing). You’re better than this. Have you played with any of those apps? People don’t want to put every photo on Facebook and I would argue that there’s space for private, media-focused apps like Cluster, Notabli, Path and others. If any of those apps make it to “the dustbin of Internet history”(hyperbolic much?), it’ll be because they’re either not good apps or people just aren’t interested.
Brad Barrish @bradbarrish