Last year, we took our daughter to Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, a free concert in Golden Gate Park. We met a few other parents, who had toddlers of their own. Before the band started playing, one began throwing a tantrum. He wanted his iPod Touch, and so he got it. Then the Preservation Hall Jazz Band began to play, and all the children began to dance and laugh and play in the grass. Except for the one who sat on the blanket, staring at a screen, oblivious to all else.

The Terrible Truth About Toddlers and Touchscreens

The truth isn’t terrible. The truth is no one really knows and parents are scared of the unknown. I think there’s a happy medium. I’d like to think that when the time comes for Cassidy to interact with a screen, we will use it as a tool and not sit her down in front of it so we can get a few minutes to ourselves.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish