

Album Club #24: Tim

Members present: William A. Rawls, Swedish Oxers, Cuban Pete, Plan B, Charlie Face, Consigliere, Crackity Jones, Miss Mistoffeles

Favorite songs: “Swingin’ Party”, “Bastards of Young”

Discussed:  Transition album, between band’s earlier, more punk sound and later commercial incarnation; group known to most AC members by name but few knew the music, to which all members responded positively; Paul Westerberg’s original vocal style — not perfect sounding, but distinctive and varied; Westerberg as the obvious, most talented member of the band (although Tommy Stinson became Guns N’ Roses’ bassist); Westerberg’s juggling act of trying to please the other member’s different musical tastes; melodic beauty combined with lyrical darkness; band’s notorious track record in live concerts — brilliant or awful; band’s tendency to shoot itself in the foot when big success came calling; memorable “SNL” performance; welcome rockabilly sound in some songs; very American quality to band’s sound; “Here Comes A Regular” as a great album closing song

Next album, courtesy of William A. Rawls:  Either/Or, Elliot Smith (1997)

What a mess by mmr421

Great pick!

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish