The February 2010 Monthly Mix

I decided to start posting a little something with each of the mixes. Who knows if I’ll actually stick with it. I don’t think I can match the explanations that tywhite does for his mixes. BTW, if you aren’t signed up for his list, you should do that right away.

I won’t lie to you. This mix has some weird stuff on it. As I sit hear typing, Laura and I are listening to it together and she thought it would be wise of me to preface it. I’ve been listening to a lot of electronic music lately (surprised @garyzero?). These mixes are absolutely a reflection of stuff I’ve been listening to. I don’t know a lot about several of the artists on this mix. I really should start making notes about where I find things so I can thank the people that turn me on to them. Hope you enjoy this month’s mix.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish