A Review of DJ Shadow's Endtroducing... (33 1/3)

endtroducing_cover.jpgI’m at my parents' house this weekend and I brought Eliot Wilder’s 33 1/3 book on DJ Shadow’s Endtroducing with me to read. I finished it in record time. It was pretty much just an interview with Josh [Davis a.k.a. DJ Shadow] about how he got started and the process around making one of the finest modern albums. It was a fascinating look into Josh’s personality and his life. I found that there were a lot of similarities in how we came up enjoying music. If I ever get an opportunity to meet him, I’m sure it’ll make for some good discussion. Wilder clearly knew Josh’s music and in addition to being an admirer, he was also a respected figure. Rarely does one get such an unedited and honest look at an artist, which not only reflected well on Wilder, but on Josh as well. It was a real homage to his music and made for a quick and easy read. You felt like you were privvy to two music fanatics having a conversation, which is exactly the spirit in which the 33 1/3 books are released.

I remember when I heard the album for the first time, I was completely blown away. It really got me me into a lot of trip-hop and all kinds of modern electronic music. I would listen to the album constantly and like Wilder, I found it to be an album that was somewhat of a journey album. It was fascinating to hear all of the elements playing so well together. I can only come at the album from a music fanatic’s standpoint, but that’s exactly what Josh is so it seems fitting. I find, years later, that the album really stands up as well. I still play it from time to time and every time I do it’s exciting. Something about his beats just energize me. Considering it’s not a rock n roll album, that’s especially rare and is a testament to his talent as an artist.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish