A Mix For November

I’m not going to bore you with how long this one took. Actually, yes I will. It took me a long time. I didn’t have enough songs, then I had too many, then the hip-hop that I wanted to include just wasn’t working. Whatever. Strip Music is one of the worst band names and I almost didn’t even listen to them because of it. Boy, am I happy I did. I was a little late to the Cold War Kids party. I just didn’t really get around to listening to them even though a trusted co-worker wouldn’t shut the fuck up about them. Speaking of hot band names, The Morning After Girls rock. Simple as that. Uh oh, the new Apples In Stereo leaked. You’re gain. I’ll still buy the record and so will you (unless you’re name is Shayna). I saw Chin Up Chin Up open for The Kooks and they were awesome. Their album left something to be desired, but I’ll spend some more time with it. I have no idea who The Blow are, but I love them and their album is fantastic poppy electro stuff. Yum. Magic Number have a new album have a new one coming. I was so sick of their last one, but the new material is refreshing as hell. You’re totally looking forward to the new Shins album. It’s ok to like them and Garden State. Wow, The Bees don’t sound as retro as they did on the last one. I’m still a fan. Charlotte is related to Serge, but you’d never know by listening to the music. No, not at all. No influence there. Nope. None. It’s so lovely and I’ve listened to it at least 50 times. Not that I need to justify putting a Nirvana song on my mix, but there’s a story behind this one. Dave Grohl started playing this one on the Foo Fighters' acoustic tour. It’s actually all him on the track as well, but was released as a b-side on the “Heart-Shaped Box” single. It’s a really pretty song. Another singer-songwriter named Damien. He’s good though. I’m new to Radical Face. Eberg was an emusic discovery when I downloaded Home Video. I’ve been a fan of Squarepusher for a long time. I reckon most of you will skip this track because it can grate a little. I’ll admit it. Earlimart is one of those bands that I wish would just fucking rock out a little more than they do. When they write songs like this track, I can’t get enough. Oxford Collapse, I hardly know thee.

01 Sugar And Lime - Strip Music 02 Hang Me Up To Dry - Cold War Kids 03 Always Mine - The Morning After Girls 04 Skyway - The Apples In Stereo 05 Water Planes in Snow - Chin Up Chin Up 06 Parentheses - The Blow 07 Take A Chance - Magic Numbers 08 Phantom Limb - The Shins 09 Imaginary Girl - The Bees 10 The Song That We Sing - Charlotte Gainsbourg 11 Marigold - Nirvana 12 Hoquiam - Damien Jurado 13 Welcome Home, Son - Radical Face 14 I’m Moving To Wales - Eberg 15 Planetarium - Squarepusher 16 Don’t Take My Sunshine Away - Sparklehorse 17 Everybody Knows Everybody - Earlimart 18 Loser City - Oxford Collapse

* If you are the copyright holder of any of the posted MP3s and would like them taken down, please drop me a note and I will happily comply.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish