Demon Days Live

I've been in Manchester since Monday. The company sent me to see Demon Days Live. I was explaining to one of the kind women that I can't even explain the excitement I have been feeling for the past several days. This is my job and it's incredible. Just incredible. We'll just leave it at that in the interest of time.

Last night was the third night I saw the show, which has yet to get old in the least. Damon Albarn is a fucking genius. The show was put together with such sincere thought and love for music that if that sort of thing is lost on you, it's probably best you stay home anyway.

The show blew me away the first night. I had some expectations based on a few things that the company's CEO told me, but it was nothing like I expected. The way the band sat at the back, out of focus while the guests and the music were the focus was amazing. Seeing Nenah Cherry, Bootie Brown, De La Soul, Ike Turner, Roots Manuva, Martina Topley Bird and Shaun Ryder all live on stage was incredible. Shaun was one of the big highlights. The crowd was crazy for him. Every guest was exciting, and I don't mean that as some sort of dismissal. All of them were brilliant. I've gotten chills every single night when Bootie Brown comes out with the children's choir for "Dirty Harry." The strings, backing vocalists and of course the band just made for one of the best live music experiences I've had in my life.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish