When I Grow Up...

When I'm sitting around thinking about the fact that I am never satisfied with what I am doing in life (which is pretty often), I dream about all kinds of things I want to do for a living. It's not really any different than when you were a kid. You just have more choices now. Or rather you are aware of so many things that people make a living doing. One of the recurring jobs I think about is being a photographer. Next to music, it's the one thing I can sit down with and forget about all of the other junk in my head.

If you've not explored flickr, you must. I was checkout out the flickr blog this afternoon and it pointed me to one of the most fantastically creative sets of photos I have ever seen. I was in awe and looked at them over and over again. I am blown away by the creativity of some people. I love it.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish