Letter to CNN

I was so disgusted by a CNN.com story that I wrote an email to Honkybitch, who then suggested I write a letter to CNN. I wasted no time.

To Whom It May Concern,

Since the tsunami in South-East Asia occurred, I have been glued to my computer because, let's face it, getting real news is pretty hard to do on the television these days. I was amazed by the outpouring of support from the internet community. Within hours of the tragedy, people were launching informative websites, places for missing people and their loved ones to connect and later, easy ways in which people could donate money in support of the relief efforts.

When I checked CNN, I happened upon an article with the headline, 'Tsunamis shatter celebrity holidays.' I was shocked by the insensitivity of the headline, to say nothing of the story. You should be ashamed of yourself for running such complete garbage disguised as "news." You set a terrible example by placing such emphasis on how a bunch of celebrities' vacations were ruined. It's no more tragic than those who lost their lives and don't have the luxury of boarding a plane and going back to their fully intact homes. My heart goes out to Ms. Nemcova and her boyfriend's family no more than it goes out to the others. How about writing a story on the thousands of people who posted their names, qualifications and phone numbers on web sites so they could be reached for relief efforts? How about the doctors and psychologists who have offered a year of their lives to help with relief efforts? There are many fantastic stories that haven't been told. Stories that people care about. The kind that touch your heart. The kind about everyday people.

CNN used to be a name I could depend on for real news. Over the last couple of years, you have brought discredit to your name and have only helped fuel the sensationalism that seems to be sweeping across other news agencies and organizations. I would think that perhaps you would take the high road and set yourself apart from the rest. Clearly you have chosen the low road during this most challenging time in the world. Shame on you, CNN.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish