Random Stuff (The Geek Edition)

A. and J. are growing tired of the mix that I did for the store. It’s 325 songs, but they have been listening to it every day for 6 weeks, so I guess I understand. I’m in the process of doing another mix, or at the very least switching some stuff out for new stuff. I have so many CDs that are not ripped into iTunes, so I’m going through the piles. It’s not an easy task, considering there are still probably 800 - 1000 CDs still in boxes. I really just need to go through all of my CDs and slim the “collection” down.

While I was ripping CDs, my computer kept crashing. I couldn’t really figure out why until I started up a temperature monitor (that’s with the lid open - with the lid closed it was 10 degrees warmer!). I usually run my PowerBook in clamshell mode (the lid closed) with my external Cinema Display, but apparently that doesn’t allow for enough air flow. I can’t even handle the underside of my PowerBook because it’s so hot. It’s ridiculous how hot these things get. I did a little research and came up with this:

The actual CPU temp - which depending on the model can be way off as determined by software - is always going to be over 100F. Sometimes as high as 160F. Much higher and you are looking as possible kernel panics, freezes and crashes. Above 180F and you are looking at processor death unless they have other thermal protections built in.

I purchased an AirPort Express not too long ago, mainly to pipe iTunes into my bedroom when I’m going to sleep, but it sure is handy when I go to a client that doesn’t have a wireless connection.

I haven’t purchased a PC yet, but thanks to all of the kind geeks I now have a solution for sharing the Cinema Display, keyboard and mouse between the two.

In the last few months I have received calls from friends with failed hard drives. Of course most people never back anything up and they are always kind of shocked when their hard drives fail, which they all do eventually. If you don’t back up your data at least once a week you’re really asking for it. I learned the hard way a long time ago.

I’m boring myself to tears now.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish