My Lotion May Cause Cancer

I was having a discussion with A. the other day… Come to think of it, cancer has been the topic of conversation recently because more than ever we both know people with cancer or know someone who knows someone with cancer or that died of cancer. Cancer is everywhere, people. And if cancer doesn’t get you, the terrorists probably will. I’m reading through my daily web sites and notice a link to The Environmental Working Group, which has a web site devoted to telling you how all the shit you put on your face, body and scalp could kill you, or at least make life real miserable. My initial response is just what they were looking for. ‘HOLY SHIT, I’M THROWING MY LOTION AWAY!’ On second though though, who knows how this company is funded. Who knows what the real aim of this site is. I’m all for organizations and people posting things on the Interweb, but this alarmist bullshit has got to stop! Live life people. Don’t believe the hype. And wear sunscreen! [via glassdog]

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish