RSS = TiVo For The Web...Kinda

I started using NetNewsWire a couple of weeks ago to get RSS feeds. My surfing and reading habits have totally changed. I spend less time browsing the sites I used to visit, sometimes several times per day. Now I am presented with, at the very least, headlines that I can browse. Sometimes I may get an excerpt as well. I’ve been able to actually read more because I’m not spending the same amount of time surfing. I can’t tell you how much I love it. I don’t watch TV without TiVo and now I don’t browse (much) without RSS. Although it’s always existed, I haven’t drawn attention to the fact that there is an RSS feed of this site as well. While I may be a little late jumping on the RSS bandwagon, it’s clearly being adopted en masse.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish