Our Homophobic President, etc.

I woke up yesterday to President Bush’s press conference, which because it was not totally scripted, made him sound like the complete moron he is. I find it not only terribly offensive that he would be looking into banning gay marriage or civil unions, but it’s just the kind of close-mindedness that I have come to expect from our president. If there’s someone out there that could give me an answer to how a gay marriage or civil union harms you, I would love to hear it.

Apparently our president isn’t hip to what people are watching on television.

In somewhat related news, Israeli parliment passed a measure that would essentially banish any Palestinian that marries an Israeli to “prevent terror attacks.” That’s fucking brilliant. No, really. I have a novel idea…stop fighting. Yeah yeah, I know it seems like a no-brainer, but there is choice, is there not? And don’t someone go mounting their high horse telling me I don’t understand what’s going on there or that there’s some rational reason to keep bombing the shit out of one another. There’s isn’t.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish