No More Apologies

So, as it turns out this thing has come full-circle. When I started Jeans And A T-Shirt, it was because I wanted to separate the personal stuff from the music stuff. I had all these ideas that Jeans And A T-Shirt was going to be this fantastic online music magazine (that also had some other commentary). I guess that’s what it was, but instead of just shutting it down, I’ve changed it back to its original incarnation. Mixing the music with the personal seems like the right thing to do. Frankly, it will be more personal than what you are used to. I’m still working on things, so enjoy some stuff you may have never read before and visit often (or not). Thanks to everyone for the support and words of encouragement. The guest list will be back up soon. I need to get some rest and stuff. Peace be with you all.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish