Help Out, Won't You?

I’ve been putting this off for a long time because, well I don’t like to ask for money and we all know no one likes to pay for “content” on the web. Here’s the deal: In the last few months the site has come very close to exceeding its bandwidth limits and I have had to upgrade the site to accommodate the increased traffic. It’s no surprise that the Monthly Mix section gets a lot of traffic, which I do not want to remove from the site. Additionally, the tickets and other items that are given away each month to Guest List members are purchased by me (for teh most part), not donated by the labels or anything like that. And don’t blame me if you’re missing out on those giveaways!

I am not asking you to subscribe to the site. What I am asking for is a little help. If a couple hundred people made a donation, I would not only be able to pay hosting fees for the year, but I’d have some money left over to purchase tickets and other stuff for giveaways. To put it simply – what comes around, goes around. I’m not looking to make a living from the site, though that would be nice. I just want to be able to continue with the site and make it worth visiting. I’m not threatening to shut the site down if you don’t cough up some cash, but it would be most appreciated if you could make a donation.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Every dollar will help out. Just click on the PayPal donation button or follow this link.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish