Win Tickets to See Spoon in Los Angeles

In getting ready for the month of Rocktober, Jeans And A T-Shirt is proud to present the first in a series of ticket give-aways. You’ll have to act fast and follow the directions. The first person to email us back will win the tickets. Read the following directions carefully.

Spoon will be playing The Troubadour in Los Angeles on Rocktober 23. All you have to do to win the pair of tickets is register as a Guest List member (just click on ‘guest list’ and fill in the blanks). Once you have registered, send an email with answers to the following questions:

  1. What U.S. city does the band call home?

  2. What is the name of the Spoon track that appears on the Monthly Mix?

Make sure you register for the Jeans And A T-Shirt Guest List before emailing us your answers. We’ll match your registered email up with the email that you send us.

NOTE: This contest is open to all residents of planet Earth, but please make sure you will be in Los Angeles on Rocktober 23, 2002. It’d be a damn shame to see the tickets go to waste, seeing as how we worked hard to get them. Jeans And A T-Shirt will provide the winner with one pair (two tickets) to the show. The winner will be responsible for everything else. By entering this contest you agree that Jeans And A T-Shirt shall not be held accountable for anything under any circumstances (except prividing the tickets, of course).

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish