I Heart Pitchfork

There are many great music sites that update their content on a daily basis, though there are only a select few that I visit. One of those sites, which I have plugged in the past is Pitchfork. Their reviews are some of the funniest, and sometimes the snobbiest out there. That’s one of the reasons I like them so much. What inspired my little post about them, you ask? It goes like this:

Vincent Gallo: Recordings of Music for Film

Hack director, shoddy actor and utter non-musician Vincent Gallo shits his wettest mess yet: a Warp-endorsed collection of “music” from his “films.” In brief: Fuck you, Vincent. Just fuck you.

That’s damn fine journalism (and that’s just the blurb on the main page). Pitchfork takes great pride in ripping bands apart. They do it with such comical precision. It’s always personal and dammit, I like it.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish