Friday Five - Blogging

1) How long have you had a weblog? I’ve had one, in some form or another, since 1997. That was the year that I discovered iVisit and wanted to work for them. I started keeping an online journal that probably got more traffic than the official site. It was the job that brought me to L.A. where I started keeping more personal stuff online via my free EarthLink space. That never got much traffic. Almost a year ago today, I registered, which started out as a place for my music reviews, photography and a rant or two every once in a while. In late May of this year, I launched, which picks up where left off and is now a collaborative effort with other contributors to the site.

2) What was your first post about? I don’t remember my very first post and don’t have a record of it anywhere.

3) How many changes (name, location, etc.) of your weblog have there been, if more than one? The names that I can remember are Ego, Addict, Inertia and Idiom. All of those were pretty short-lived. I find that I am never satisfied with much of anything and my sites are in a constant state of change. Refer to question 1 for the rest.

4) What CMS (content management system) do you use? Movable Type is my CMS of choice. I started out using Blogger, but Movable Type had way more whistles and bells and the GUI was a lot more easy on the eyes. Besides, Ben and Mena Trott are awesome people and despite their large installed user base, are always willing to answer emails and help out. The community surrounding Movable Type is also a really great group of people.

5) Do you read people who have both a journal and a weblog? Or do you prefer to read people who have all of their writing in one central place? I read both, but prefer it all in one certain location. Why go to two different sections, when it could be all in on place. Duh.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish