Friday Five - Laundry Habits

I’m finally going to start participating in the Friday Five. It’s been a long time coming, so here goes…

1) How often do you do laundry? Once a week. This may or may not coincide with a laundry interception by one of The Cunts, whereby one of them figures out that I’m doing laundry, times it, takes my load out of washing machine and loads their’s in. The Cunts are the two people that live above me. They don’t like me and I don’t like them. I’ll tell you the story another time.

2) What’s in a typical wash load? Clothes, for the most part. I split them up into darks and lights. See, this is the type of question that is making me re-think my participation in the Friday Five.

3) Front or top loader? Powder or liquid detergent? Top-loading, piece of shit, expensive, rental machine. Liquid is really the only way to go. Who likes the left-over grains of detergent on their clothes? It’s inevitable, really. Of course I always use perfume and dye-free detergent. I don’t need to smell like detergent and anyone who leaves that smell behind as they exit an elevator deserves to be shot.

4) Do you use fabric softener in the rinse cycle? What?! Fabric softener is for the dryer. The end.

5) Dryer or clothesline? Unless you’ve got a really nice dryer, which I do not, they ruin clothes, especially denim. Anything I don’t want to fade, I hang up. Underwear, socks and light-colored stuff goes in the dryer.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish