Postcards From People You Don't Know

I received a postcard in the mail today. I laughed, but I didn’t know anyone named Dennis that would send me a postcard. I turned it every which way to see if perhaps I was reading the name wrong. Nope, it was Dennis. I was racking my brain for the following hour trying to figure out who this Dennis character was. More importantly, how did he get my address and how did he know I had a Weimaraner?! It was while I was walking the aforementioned Weimaraner that it all came to me.

About a month or so ago Dennis Mahoney (of 0(zero)format fame and a contributing writer for The Morning News) sent out an email to people that were on his email list. The email went on to explain that he had gotten his hands on some old postcards. He further explained that if we, the recipients of his email, wanted a personalized postcard, all we had to do was email him back with an address and some brief personal information. I did some digging for the email that I sent to him. In it I explained that , among other things, I had a Weimaraner and I hated cats. So there you have it.

Let it be known that Dennis Mahoney is a good man, his web site deserves reading, as does his writing on The Morning News and he is destined for great things. Dennis rocks.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish