barely enough to keep me interested

Stereophonics @ House of Blues (Hollywood, CA) 01.21.01

I timed my arrival at House of Blues just right. JJ72 was doing something loud and annoying for about two minutes and then they said good-bye. Do I need to mention I’m not a fan? Enough about them though.

I have a problem with a band that lowers the house lights and then proceeds to play a pre-recorded version of one of their own songs to introduce themselves. I know who I’m there to see. I can listen to your CD when I get home. It’s almost as bad as someone showing up wearing a t-shirt of the band that’s playing.

That aside, the band took to the stage in a cocky manor that only the British seem to be able to pull off without being distracting. The band grabbed their instruments and started the set with "Mr. Writer," from one of the best albums of last year, Just Enough Education to Perform. Kelly’s voice was in top shape. Dreamy renditions of "Vegas Two Times," "Have A Nice Day," "Nice To Be Out" and a beautiful performance of ‘Step On My Old Size Nines.’

Fans since their debut release, Word Gets Around, were treated to "A Thousand Trees" as well as other early works such as ‘Hurry Up And Wait’ and "The Bartender and the Thief," both from Performance and Cocktails.

Though the band was in fine form, it wasn’t quite enough for me. I needed them to move around a bit more and talk to the audience. I’m not quite sure what they played for their encore, or if they played one at all. I was out the door a minute after they left the stage. I wanted to be rocked a little more.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish