Top Sites of 2001

Among other things that I am currently “working” on, the Top 100 Albums of 2001 has turned in to a Top 50 Albums of 2001. Doing a Top 100 was a bit to ambitious. Coming up with 100 was easy enough, but ranking them made my brain hurt. So anyway, the Top 50 Albums of 2001 list has been completed. I’m in the process of making a nice presentation of it, so stay tuned over the few days for the results. Did I mention to send me your own top lists?

To keep you busy in the mean time, I’ve compiled a Top 10 Web Sites of 2001. They are:

01 MetaFilter: THE community weblog. If I could only visit one site per day, MetaFilter would be the one. I get my news, argue with know-it-alls, laugh and follow links to every corner of the Internet. You can spend hours or minutes here. In my case, it’s usually hours.

02 The Morning News: It’s not just about the news, but about the people. I hold this site responsible for turning me on to some awesome music and books. Rosecrans Baldwin (Editor) is one of the smartest writers on the web. He even responds to personal email.

03 NME: One of the best music magazines on the planet, and also one of the top sources of everything music. Period.

04 Pitchforkmedia: Indie music news, reviews and inerviews. They know what’s up and I have come to depend on their vast knowledge and, at times, droll album reviews.

05 Neumu: Bringing together some of the most talented people in the web world, Neumu showcases art, opinion, music, fiction, etc. Co-founded by Michael Goldberg, one of the web’s visionaries, he has helped to create an above par site that floats to the top of the web cesspool.

06 Dooce: She’s one of the smartest, most hillarious people I have never met. Her sporadic rants, raves, and diatribes are some of the best the web has to offer. Did I mention she has fabulous taste in music and some damn good photographic skills to boot? Well, she does.

07 Blogdex: What are people linking to in the their daily blogs? Leave it to the smart kids at the M.I.T. Media Lab to bring it to you.

08 Ironminds: A young, fresh, and enlightening look at the world. It’s news, humor and it’s smart.

09 AlterNet provides unsweetened, uncensored, objective news. It’s informative and the writing is better than most you will find on other news sites. It’s NPR meets the web.

10 Moby’s Diary: Moby speaks to the people almost every day, and sometime multiple times per day. In addition to being a tremendous musician, he’s an intelligent and real human being with good thoughts to share.

Brad Barrish @bradbarrish